Parish News
Stay connected with our parish by enjoying these latest news items

Line Dancing Class
Join us for a line dancing class on the fourth Friday each month (check the bulletin to verify dates) from 6:30-8:30pm in Kertz Hall (school cafeteria). We encourage folks to…

Visioning IC
Building a Legacy for Generations to Come In 2024, the needs of the parish campus reflect the decades of use. It is time to invest in the future of Immaculate…

Music Ministers Needed
We are actively looking for additional music ministers here at IC. If you sing or play an instrument, please consider sharing your time and talent through this vital ministry. Information,…

IC AV Team
Each weekend, IC’s Saturday 5 pm Masses are livestreamed by our AV team, and we are looking for additional volunteers! If you’re ready for an outreach opportunity, know the basics…

Scam Alert!
Several people are receiving Social Media or Email messages that seem to come from Fr. Matt. These messages are from scammers. Fr. Matt will NEVER send you a text or…