Pillar of Formation
We invite you to take advantage of the many ways to strengthen, support and build your faith life at IC.
Christian Education/Spiritual Formation Commission works to provide educational and spiritual opportunities such as the parish mission, Advent and Lent reflection guides, IC Reads book discussion, annual soup supper with Advent prayer, gift books for Christmas, Scripture Study groups, small group discussions for Advent and Lent, spiritual lending library, links to online resources, and speakers on assorted Catholic topics.
contact: Carolyn Saucier
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Teacher and Aides meet with children ages 4 through first grade to celebrate the Sunday readings, pray and sing together. They meet in the St. Ann’s room at the beginning of the 9:00 am Mass (Sept. until May, not Christmas or Easter) and return after the gifts are brought to the altar. No prior registration is required to participate.
contact: Tina Bernskoetter
Immaculate Conception Catholic School
contact: Heather Schrimpf, Principal
Parish School of Religion (PSR) supports faith formation of youth attending public school in grades 1-8. PSR teachers and substitutes teach our Catholic faith at classes held weekly beginning in the fall through the spring. Classes include fellowship, small group work with parents, and Scripture.
- PSR Sacramental Programs: It is required that all parents who present their children for sacramental preparation attend a meeting regarding the reception of that sacrament.
- First Reconciliation and First Eucharist: For students who have completed the First Grade Program. Preparation is done in conjunction with regular classes.
- Confirmation: For 7th grade students who have been baptized and received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Separate classes are held specifically for Confirmation preparation.
contact: Vickie Lueckenotte
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) team members help to prepare and teach people desiring to become Catholic or those who simply want information about the Catholic Church. (A registration form for those wishing to participate can be found here.)
An RCIA sponsor accompanies an individual on his/her faith journey to become Catholic. They attend all meetings with their person (January through Easter) supporting them and helping them find answers to questions that may arise as they share their faith.
contact: Fr. Tony Onyeihe
Tuesdays in Faith is faith sharing in a small group based on a variety of video resources. We explore life and faith in an open and welcoming atmosphere. Come and meet new people, and draw closer to Jesus. Everyone is welcome. There is no cost and no commitment. The meetings are on Tuesdays in Pleus Hall beginning at 6:30 pm and lasting about 90 minutes. All questions and comments are welcome.
contact: Jim Kemna
Vocations Committee helps to make the parish aware of the need for vocations and possible ways to foster vocations.
contact: Michele Caywood
You Belong is an evangelization effort to take the Catholic Faith to non-Catholics and inactive Catholics. The majority of our efforts are street evangelization outings that have in the past 6 years reached over 1,500 people. We are always exploring new ways to witness to Jesus in the public square.
contact: Ross Allen
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community is a group of young adults (aged 18-30ish) that meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 5:30 pm in Church for prayer and discussion, then moves to Pleus Hall for pizza, ping pong and other games. No need to RSVP, just show up and bring a friend.
contact: Fr. Tony Onyeihe
Youth Ministry is open to all 8th grade through high school students in parish and public schools who are interested in participating in faith and fellowship. Activities may include small group gatherings and providing ministries at mass. Adult volunteers are needed to help plan and coordinate activities.
contact: Sarah Alsager
Middle School Youth Group is open to all 6th-8th grade students in parish and public schools. They meet monthly on the 2nd Monday from 3;15-4:30 pm in Pleus Hall. Meetings include fun, food, prayer and discussion. Parish volunteer members work with programs, activities or events to build relationships with God and teens.
contact: Phyllis Emmel
Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is available to boys from first grade through the age of eighteen. With Cub Scouts having more family oriented activities and Boy Scouts being geared more towards developing personal religious values, learning the principles of American heritage and government and acquiring skills to become successful adults.
Boy Scouts contact: Eric Landwehr
Cub Scouts contact: Dan Keilholz