Pillar of Hospitality
You're invited to get involved in being part of our welcoming and engaging presence, both within the parish and in the surrounding community.
Social Concerns Commission members direct and organize events that directly affect the many concerns of our parishioners and beyond.
contact: Larry Miller
Communion Ministers to homebound take the Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass.
contact: Mary Flowers
Cookie bakers are called occasionally to bake for a parish activity.
contact: Parish Office
Funeral Luncheon workers coordinate meals for after funerals, including requesting donations and preparing and serving the dinner. All members of the parish are contacted for food donations.
Contacts: Betty Fast and Karen Wisch
Handy Person for homebound provides help for people who need little jobs done and are unable to do them.
contact: Peter Lyskowski
Hospitality Minister assists at Mass by greeting and welcoming people, asking individuals to carry up offertory gifts, helping parishioners finding seating, and handing out bulletins.
contacts: Jim and Mary Menges and Tom Pitera
Legion of Mary performs spiritual works of mercy. Any member of the parish may join.
contact: Lois Thomas
Meal Train (for new parents) is a parish ministry to provide meals to families with newborns. We take care of meal planning so the family’s time and energy can be focused on the new arrival!
contact: Donna Frazier
Mother Seton’s Widows’ Group meets for spiritual, moral and social support after the loss of a spouse.
contact: Mary Allen
News from the Pews is our quarterly parish newsletter. It shares committee or organization notices, general parish information such as new priests, features about special people, upcoming events, etc. to make parishioners feel more connected to each other. Pictures are always welcome. Articles may be dropped by the rectory if in hard copy or e-mailed to Michael Hughes who does layout and sends it to the printer.
contact: Jane Barnes
Prayer Shawl and Rosary Ministry knits/crochets shawls, lap afghans, etc. for those needing comfort in our parish community as well our hospitals, nursing homes and throughout the community. Additionally, members make rosaries to be shared. The items made are blessed by a priest or deacon. We meet twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Friday mornings.
Prayer Shawl contact: Renee Hilke
Rosary Ministry contact: Mark Javersak
Prison Ministry involves assisting in various ways to minister to inmates in correctional facilities.
contacts: Donnie & Lois Thomas
Pro-Life Committee volunteers work to protect the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. Examples of past activities include special events for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, participation in 40 Days for Life, National Grandparent’s Day gift bags, organization of IC’s participation at National March for Life, and coordination of support for local pro-life groups such as St. Raymond’s House, Pregnancy Help Center and Birthright.
contact: Tom Pitera
Second Sunday Sweets provides an opportunity for our parish family, friends, and visitors to gather after Mass for food and fellowship.
contact: Jeannine Schaefer
Thanksgiving Meal for Community Volunteers donate resources or prepare and serve food to those in need of a meal.
contact: Mike Schnieders
Transportation to church/events volunteers provide transportation for those in need of help getting to church and parish events.
contact: Debbie Kolb
Visitation of sick/homebound/residing in assisted living is going out into the community to spend time with members of our parish family who are physically unable to join us at church, visiting and praying with them.
contact: Mary Flowers
Welcome Committee members visit new parishioners to welcome them to our parish community. They take packets of information to them and answer any questions they may have, hoping to make them feel comfortable as part of our parish family.
contact: Hillary Brondel